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vitamin capsule,hair care,healty hair,natural,soft
vitamin capsule

Vitamin E is a nutrient full of miraculous wonders that can rejuvenate our health and beauty. Taking Vitamin E capsules is considered good for health benefits. But very few are aware that this nutrient is amazing for skin and hair health when it is directly applied on the affected areas. You can either buy pure Vitamin E oil or get Vitamin E capsules (the purest form of the nutrient available in market, other than natural sources, of course), cut them, and use the serum inside for application. Here are 10 amazing hacks that will tell you how Vitamin E can bring that glow back to your skin and keep your hair shining and healthy.
1. Treats stubborn scars
Apply Vitamin E serum right out of the capsules to fight stubborn scars. Whether the scar is new or an old one, Vitamin E can work really well to ensure it fades away soon, leaving your skin much more beautiful. Gently apply the liquid from the capsules (or use Vitamin E oil) on the scar and massage it softly for a minute. In that way, Vitamin E will go deep into the skin layers and start working on the skin tissues of the affected areas. Make sure you apply it daily for better and faster results.
2. Deals with stubborn stretch marks
Most people will tell you those stubborn stretch marks are likely to stay for life. But you need not believe them. Just apply some Vitamin E liquid on those and the marks will fade soon. Take the liquid out of the Vitamin E capsules and mix it well with lemon juice. Now massage gently on the stretch marks for a while and leave it for about 30 minutes. Wash it off with water and you will immediately notice a difference. Apply the solution daily, for a month or so, for significant difference.
3. Treats eczema and psoriasis
Tough skin problems like eczema and psoriasis can also be cured by Vitamin E. Just apply Vitamin E oil on the affected skin every day and you will see improvement in skin conditions within a few weeks.
4. Get healthy nails
You can get those lustrous, beautiful, and long nails with the help of Vitamin E oil. It is a simple, easy, and effective solution for cracking and splitting nails. Even the dry cuticles that trouble you can be taken care of, with the help of Vitamin E. Just pour some Vitamin E serum from the capsules or put Vitamin E oil in a deep dish filled with water. Dip your fingers in it for 10 minutes and take them out. Do it for at least five times a week and see the magic for yourself. You can also apply the Vitamin E oil or serum directly on the nails.
5. Get soft and supple lips
Vitamin E is a great solution for chapped and dry lips. Applied directly on the lips, Vitamin E liquid (from the capsule) or Vitamin E oil works well as lip moisturizer and makes them smooth. Apply it regularly to make your lips supple and pink in color.
6. Great moisturizer for the skin
Mix a little Vitamin E liquid with your body lotion before applying it and it will keep your skin moisturized for a longer period of time. It will also even out any brown mark or dry skin patch. You can also pour some Vitamin E oil straight into your moisturizer bottle, shake it well, and apply the mixture daily.
7. Heals sunburns
Vitamin E can be a great healing agent for sunburns. Applying it on the skin helps the epidermis to absorb this nutrient directly and work on reversing the damage done by the harsh rays of the sun. Apply it twice a day to cure the burns faster.
8. Fights signs of aging
Vitamin E oil helps the skin make collagen that effectively slows down the process of skin aging. Incidentally, aging of the skin happens due to less collagen production in it. Applying Vitamin E directly on the skin stimulates skin cells and the production of collagen makes the fine lines disappear. Regular application will also prevent new wrinkles and lines appearing on your skin, thanks to the antioxidants found in the Vitamin E oil.
9. Battles premature graying of hair
Vitamin E also has the capability to slow down aging and rejuvenate your hair. Premature graying of hair is basically caused by oxidation of the tissues. Vitamin E application helps prevent the corrosion of tissues, which in turn stops the premature graying of your hair.
10. Smoothens split ends
Split ends steal the beauty away from your lovely locks. Usually, too much application of chemicals like hair colors or overstyling (blow drying, curling, straightening, etc.) cause severe damage to the hair and one of the biggest impacts will be split ends. But this can be treated easily with the help of Vitamin E and other oils. Mix equal parts of Vitamin E, olive oil, and coconut oil, and apply it on the split ends. Leave it on for an hour and shampoo it. Do this at least thrice a week and you will see the difference.

sorce of :rupcare

5 problems of straight hair

hair,problem,salution,beauty hair,straight
hair problem

Now straighten curly hair was changed. And that hair loss resulting from the use of hair streitanara, he ignored the issue persists.
Thus, forcing the hair to straighten some harmful side. This article highlights the harmful things. According to a report in the Hindustan Times.
1. The hair is dry and dull
To straighten hair have an adverse effect on the hair. Makes your hair dry and dull hair streitenim process. And since it can be understood in order to straighten the hair. Whenever you how much hair loss shampoo will be understood immediately. Hair normal brightness will be lost. And it becomes dull and dry hair. Hair is required to spend a long time in the loss. However, if you have straight hair regularly sthayibhabei it becomes dull and dry.
2. Chemical is not your friend
Iron to straighten hair, as well as a variety of chemicals are used. However, the chemicals are not good for the human body. For this reason, and many suffered from allergies. There is also the risk of problems such as itching, and dandruff.
3. Hair fall
Many of the crew had straight hair. And it can only increase the problem of hair fall. Especially in the use of harsh chemicals that can increase the rate of hair fall.
4. The sort of low
Curly hair has a different beauty. It can be sorted in various ways. But the less chance the sort of straight hair. If you have straight hair suits you really are two different things. But many curly hair looks beautiful. As a result, he lost the beauty of the hair is straight.
5. New hair hazard
Many hair from curly to straight after having problems. The problem began after a few days to straighten hair. The new hair is curly hair big as ever. The old hair is straight. The decor of both the hair becomes impossible. The new hairs need to be straight.
source of:rup care

2 natural ways of quick hair growth

natural,black hair,hair,quick hair growth,long hair
quick hair growth

Due to the absence of dust, weather, sunlight and proper care, hair loss is severe. Hair follicles become permanently damaged. As a result, the decrease in hair growth decreases dramatically. And the rate of hair growth increases very much. For this reason hair becomes thin and absolutely lifeless.
But the beauty of dense, black and long hair is all the desire. Despite all these troubles, it is possible to increase hair concentration and beauty with little care. Only 2/3 days a week can be taken out by using two hair masks, dense, black and bright hair.
Mustard oil and mahdi leaves
Usually, mustard oil is not used in the hair. But mustard oil is a particularly effective element to strengthen hair follicles, which will prevent hair fall completely. Along with this, Mehdi leaves help to grow new hair. As a result, the density of the hair increases several times.
Put 200 grams of mustard oil in a bowl and put it on the stove. Now keep on burning it with fresh leaves of 1 cup of Mehdi. When the mhesei leaf is blackened, see it cool down and cool down the stove. Save this oil in an air tight bottle. Apply this oil 3 days a week to the hair. The best way to get all the best results is to keep oil on the hair and wash the hair normally in shampoo in the morning.
Eggs and olive oil
Eggs have been used for molding hair density since many ancient times. Eggs contain plenty of proteins which prevent hair fall. Apart from this, eggs are also sulfur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus and iodine which help to grow new hair and increase hair density.
Take an egg white in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon olive oil (olive oil) and 1 teaspoon of honey (increase the amount of olive oil and honey according to the length and amount of hair). Then mix the ingredients very well. When it has a smooth paste size, it is very useful. If you have a smooth paste, apply the mixture to the skin on the skin. After 20 minutes, first wash the hair with cold water and shampoo. Try using it at least once a week. Find good results.
source of rup care

Hair falling down? Solution is near hand!

hair hair tretment hair fall hair care hair salution
hair prblm
Hair fall is now our national problem! And its solution is regular care. It is possible to solve the problem of hair removal with the complete natural and available ingredients. These are very easy to make, the ingredients are at our fingertips, even in the kitchen! Today, you are going to share some anti-hair masks that will reduce hair fall visibility in a couple of months after using regular medicines. Let’s take a look.
Mehdi, coconut oil, Amalakir mask
Buy Mehdi’s page from the market and can buy it, and you can buy Powder Mehdi and buy it. Make half a bowl of mustard bowl / powder, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and two amalaki bata / powders mix. Now divide the whole hairline into small sections and apply a full-sided pack. After one hour put the conditioner after shampoo and dry the hair thoroughly with cold water. Mehdi has plenty of anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which prevent the growth of bacteria responsible for hair loss. As a result the hair fall off and new hair starts to grow. Who does not know the quality of Amalki? Amlokir strengthens Vitamin C hair from the Orthodox, reduces dry scalp echinase, hangs hair and shayni. And we know that coconut oil is not comparable to hair drip narration. Coconut oil easily enters the hair and provides the necessary nutrients from the hair. Its antioxidant and proteins strengthen the hair. As a result hair became dense and strong.
Fenugreek seeds, coconut oil, talk-loss masks
Mix 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with half a bowl of yogurt and 2 teaspoons of fenugreek bota / powdered milk. Now divide the whole hairline into small sections and apply a full-sided pack. After one hour put the conditioner after shampoo and dry the hair thoroughly with cold water. Fennel contains lecithin, protein, vitamin C and potassium that strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair loss. Talk yogurt and coconut oil both ensure hair protection and the protection of hair follicles as well as deep-conditioning of scalp. As a result hair became lively and bright.
Onion juice, coconut oil, aloe vera gel mask
Take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and half of the onion juice and 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel mix. Now divide the whole hairline into small sections and apply a full-sided pack. After one hour put the conditioner after shampoo and dry the hair thoroughly with cold water. Onion sulfur, vitamins and antioxidants help remove the other problems of dandruff and scalp, and help to grow new hair. Aloe vera gel protects the top protective layer of the hair, prevents hair breakage.
Apple Sider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Egg Mask
Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of Apple Sider Vinegar with an egg. Now divide the whole hairline into small sections and apply a full-sided pack. After one hour put the conditioner after shampoo and dry the hair thoroughly with cold water. Who knows the egg protein! Eggs are not comparable to hair-deep conditioning. And Apple Sider Venegger works as a hair conditioner, keeps the PH level of hair perfect and makes the hair silky and shiny. Coconut oil contains monoschaturated fatty acids, which will stop the hair fall and diaphile penateret to the demised hair. By creating a natural protective layer of hair, it protects hair from excess heat and dust. As a result the hair is broken and closed from the middle.
If at least one or two days a week is a little difficult for yourself, take a little time to care for your hair. And in these packs, keep the ingredients that are tuned to your hands regularly. Mehedi leaves or powders, fenugreek seeds, talk yogurt, eggs, onions are available in the market. If you have Aloevora tree at home, you can use it directly or you can use them in the market. And coconut oil is more or less common in all of us. You can buy brands that are available in the market, or you can make pure coconut oil by yourself at home. Along with that, drink plenty of water every day, eat protein rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Remember, hair fall but will not reduce in a day. It is not possible to get bright hair in one night but it is not possible. So need a little patience and love for yourself!
source of rup care